100 Innings of Baseball
On Saturday, November 2nd, 2024 the Potomac State College Baseball Team will once again play 100 innings of baseball. That’s a lot of baseball. Over 11 games in one day—the most ever played by a Catamount Baseball Team. This is a huge challenge for us, but challenges are what college baseball is all about. The Potomac State College Baseball Team wants to step to the top of junior college baseball.
So, on November 2nd, Catamount Baseball Players will be out to prove that we can play a 100 inning game and survive any challenge, no matter how big. I would like to challenge you to sponsor me at $0.25, $0.50, $1.00 or even $5.00 per inning. Your donation will significantly improve our baseball program in all aspects and will help us as we try to become one of the top NJCAA teams in America and return to the JUCO World Series.
Thank you for allowing our team to share this opportunity with you.
Giving is easy. Click "Donate Now" then Choose PSC: Baseball
Thank you in advance for your sponsorship.